Here's the Thing....
Here's the Thing.... Podcast



I have a tendency to live in my head. As someone with a predominantly Wood elemental persona, it’s all about Do, Do, Do. It’s difficult to find the off switch. Even when relaxing, my brain never seems to stop whirring. Too many things competing for my attention at the same time.

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All plants need water to thrive and grow. This is no exception to the human variety. So, taking a break from everything for a few weeks, and going with the flow, has been blissful. Luckily, the sun has shown its face, so I’ve been able to sit outside, access beneficial levels of Vitamin D and get absorbed in my ‘holiday’ reading, usually detective novels - my guilty pleasure. But enough is enough, as too much water can be just as detrimental and some adventure needs to take its place again. 

In my case, a holiday to one of my favourite cities, Chicago, provided what the doctor ordered, feeding my soul with its culture, people, food and music. Being able to share this experience with my lovely husband has meant it was truly a trip to remember. 

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I arrived back home on Sunday to the arrival of the season known as Late Summer. The really hot temperatures are dying away to provide a more comfortable climate. It’s time to go back to school, celebrate Harvest Festivals, swap salad for warm food, and to unpack light sweaters for when the evenings draw in. More importantly, this is the time to reap what we’ve sown, to cosy up with friends and to nurture ourself. 

The Feng Shui season of Late Summer is denoted by the Earth element. When we talk about the earth, we think of the planet we live on and the communities therein, the ground we walk upon, and the source of food and nourishment for ourselves and our animals. It’s our foundation. Our Mother Earth, literally, as it has always been there for us and we cannot survive without it.

In my role of Fashion Feng Shui Master, I assist others to find their elemental self using the characteristics of the Five Elements. During this process, we may discover that one or more element is lacking from our Personal Profile. In my case it’s Earth. 


The Five Elements each have a compass point attached. It’s no surprise to me that Earth is in the centre. As the seasons change, I find myself going to ground. To take a small step back to be fully present. As I have no Earth in my make up, I find it sometimes challenging to do. However, once I’m fully grounded, my head becomes less busy and I can finally find my ‘off’ switch.

In Fashion Feng Shui, when we want something in our life we use a term called Intentional Dressing. This means adding a small ‘tweak’ to what we already love to wear adding in the relevant elemental styling to attract the element associated with our desire. Right now, it’s the addition of Earth I am craving. As Earth is grounding, nurturing, comforting, stable, solid and enables compassion, it’s especially beneficial to one’s own self care.

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We can add Earth using a variety of means that include colour, pattern, silhouette, texture and fabric. The colours are those of the earth including browns, deep rusty oranges and deep yellows like ochre and mustard, (none of which I like), though beige is quite nice as a change from my darker neutrals. I could, instead, opt for wearing a square shape in terms of a pocket, or boxy jacket/skirt or I could use by wearing a check/gingham, plaid pattern instead. Traditional styling such as a gaberdine trench coat, or texture which provides some semblance of cosiness also adds the earth element into my clothing. Sturdier footwear, of which I am very much a fan, is a practical alternative. 

After all, when going unchecked (pardon the pun), living in your head can be very stressful. It’s not a coincidence that many of my clothes have large square pockets or check patterns, sometimes so small you wouldn’t really notice. I know they are there, and that’s what counts. When you dress this way, your personal energy changes. What you put your thoughts to, you attract is the key message here and I use Intentional Dressing daily to get what I need in my life.

My other guilty pleasure comes in the form of dressing gowns, which I always buy oversize, fluffy and super comforting. This is the one garment I can rely on to make me feel safe and warm. I’d go as far as to say, this humble piece of clothing is probably my very favourite and, given the chance, I’d stay in it all day!! 

Wellness lives in your Wardrobe. You just need to know where to look.

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Here's the Thing....
Here's the Thing.... Podcast
Thoughts about clothing, past, present and future. What we wear, why we wear it and how it might make us feel.
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Sue Donnelly