Here's the Thing....
Here's the Thing.... Podcast



One thing is certain. Although the pandemic has been over for a few years, it touched us all, regardless of who we are or where we live. So, this morning I’ve been pondering. What did I learn? About myself, my business, my habits, my beliefs and my values? 

The BIG surprise is how little I missed shopping, especially for clothes. BC (before-covid) I would have categorised this particular pastime as one of life's pleasures. At the moment, it’s not that I don’t want to buy anything new, it’s more that I can’t find anything that really inspires me. Most of my ‘go-to’ stores seem to be re-hashing my old favourites which hang happily in the closet as they are still frequently worn.

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I have mentioned previously that I don’t really have any need to buy occasional clothes. Most of my wardrobe is for the everyday and this pretty much extends to my workwear. For client visits, I dress as I would if I went into London, rather than to the supermarket, but there is not a vast amount of difference when it boils down to it. What you see is what you get and I've recognised that I already own the perfect wardrobe. So much so, I am on a mission to NOT purchase anything new unless I have a genuine need for it. 'Less is more' has become my new mantra and aligns wonderfully with my style of dressing and the concept of sustainability the image industry is trying to adopt.

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I had done a huge 'Marie Kondo' pre lockdown. Not just clothing but crockery, my beloved books (how I adore my books), kitchenware, old toiletries and those free cosmetic samples that never get used. My de-cluttering sessions are held at least twice a year, as the belief in Feng Shui is that clutter equals stagnation. Too much stuff and you get stuck. You can't move. Losing weight, finding a new job, earning more money, or creating something joyful, it's hard when there's no space available to change or embrace the new. Spare hangers in my closet, and multiple spaces on my shelves, ensure I'm always ready for opportunities that might come my way. It's always an act of liberation that feels amazing once completed.

What else have I discovered?

Here’s the Thing:

  • I love to get up really early, even when I have nothing planned.

  • My morning meditation, which can be up to 2 hours long, comes in the form of solving sudoko and crosswords. The more difficult, the better.

  • Being flexible in my body means I can be more flexible in life - and yes, it takes lots of practise!

  • Going to the gym has become a mainstay. Not because I’m fit but because I love meeting up with the friends I’ve made there.

  •  I'm also happy as long as people can be found at the end of a phone or a screen. This especially applies to my fellow creators of Coffee and Conversation We have supported each other without questions or judgment ever since we first got together. These former colleagues have become wonderful friends and my life is richer because of them and the communities we have built together.

  • Shutting out the 'noise' means no need to follow the crowd, and get overwhelmed in the chaos. My devices all get switched off at 6pm and this suits me. As I have a global client/friend list, someone wants me most of the time so I need to have a cut off.

  • I am more mindful about provenance, needless waste, food sourcing, clothing production and my contribution to a better planet.

  • How I feel on a day to day basis is a mainstay. I embrace the less than positive emotions and realise that joy and happiness are things I will always seek.

  • Following my intuition usually gives the best result. The best advice I was ever given is “If in doubt, leave it out”. A cliche for sure, but a great one to follow.

  • If my gut is happy, the rest of me is too, so eating healthily is a priority

  • A glass of wine is not a sin, but a pleasure!

  • That I am truly grateful for what I have and recognise this daily.

  • That I might be a rather loud introvert! That really is priceless!

What about you? What major discoveries have you found out about yourself?

Lastly - I need to take time out occasionally to refresh my ‘wood’. So I am taking a sabbatical until 12th September to relax and renew. I will be back!

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Here's the Thing....
Here's the Thing.... Podcast
Thoughts about clothing, past, present and future. What we wear, why we wear it and how it might make us feel.
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Sue Donnelly