Here's the Thing....
Here's the Thing.... Podcast



I recently visited London’s Royal Academy to view their Summer Exhibition. This is an annual event and consists of around 1700 works of art, the majority created by members of the public. Just before entering the main gallery, I spotted a woman of about my age who looked fantastic. Short, platinum hair, with one subtle pink stripe and round framed glasses. Dressed in a simple black top and an unusual skirt containing illustrated references to the late Poly Styrene, an English musician, singer-songwriter and the former front woman for the band, X-Ray Spex.

As I always do when I see someone who looks fabulous, I went up to her and told her. I also referred to her skirt, and she seemed happy that I knew who her idol was as well as thanking me for the compliment.

A short while later, I am in the exhibition itself when a group of 3 women, also about my age, came over. “We just wanted to say how chic you look”, they said. I replied with a “thank you” and that they had “made my day”. That wonderful glow you get when you’ve been given a genuine compliment stayed with me for the rest of my trip. Just so you know, I was dressed in the most simple of outfits - oversized black linen shirt dress, black sliders, white fabric banana bag plus my bright red lipstick - of course!

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I personally don’t see any harm, only good, in giving people genuine compliments. Some people don’t like the idea. They believe that if you’re given a compliment from a total stranger, the giver wants something from you. I’m not saying that is, or isn’t, the case but my view is that if someone has been willing to come over and say something nice, the least you can do is thank them for doing so.

When I was recently in Melbourne, my friend and colleague Suzanne Dekyvere - check her out on IG - The Dressing Coach - had lots of people, usually followers, complimenting her on her unusual way of dressing. She too, is very gracious in her response, and that’s why others are willing to approach her.

Here’s the Thing: On this particular occasion, I think it might have been Karma. What goes around, comes around but perhaps that’s just me being fanciful!

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Here's the Thing....
Here's the Thing.... Podcast
Thoughts about clothing, past, present and future. What we wear, why we wear it and how it might make us feel.
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Sue Donnelly