Ahhhh Sue, you look exactly the same as you were - with more elegance, confidence, and electric joy. And your silver hair and bold glasses are so beautiful.

Your words, "sometimes it appears that it pays to revisit certain parts of your past" are telling me it could be good to gather up my old rowing crewmates and go to a college rowing reunion this fall. If I could revisit my youth, that's where I would go.

I want to be there again for the mornings of silver mist rising over glass, wet gold sunsets and night rows, dripping water beneath a bridge arch, puddles from exiting blades, the smell of rain mixing with river, my best friends and soulmates. And I also want to go back to the long, slow wreck of my first love, men who lorded it over us who were liars and cheaters. Because now I know I loved each and every part of the good and the bad. And I'm good with that because I am a Water person full of longing and flow, memories and romance and drama! :)

XO Kerry

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Go for it Kerry. What a wonderful idea.

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A beautiful photo of you, Sue. Once again an insightful article. I would never go back to my thirties. A very painful decade. However with the pain came healthy growth. I turned from a codependent daughter then wife to a woman born again with confidence and strength. Thank you for your writings and encouragement by your splendid example.

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That from pain comes growth and resilience is so true Clarisse. I agree that what happened to me in my earlier decades has given me the positives I have found now. Thank you again for your insights

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