
Looks like we’re both on the same page here Julia. So glad the article resonated and that you’ve been able to promote more positive responses with your family.

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This really resonated with me sue. I do body pump and the only way i can see if I’m lifting weights or doing a squat correctly is by looking in the mirror. I also think this is easier as i age. I decided a few years ago to accept a compliment and even now i have to stop saying things like “I’ve had that for ages’. I too like to stop people and give compliments but i also try not to single out an item of clothing preferring to say things like you look so well/happy/cool and you’re right it does make people feel good -including me! I also think we can impact on our children’s future outlook in this respect for example there was a lot of talk (and still is) about vanity in my past and i have always made a point of complimenting my children and now granddaughter when they have made the effort to dress for the occasion.

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Fabulous motivational piece. I believe change is exciting. Every decade I have made the necessary adjustments to go forward in life looking my very best. I hardly look back as there is nothing I can change. I just embrace life's lessons along the way. Thank you for your brilliant work.

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Thank you Clarisse. This is so good to hear. All decades bring different experiences and I know this one, for me, is the best so far. It’s great to hear that you personally don’t need to look back but accept what was there. I tend to agree. Moving forward and changing as required is a great way to live

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