Fabulous piece, Sue. I would say to clients, "When you shop with your girlfriend, you end up looking like your girlfriend!" So many women mimic a store window mannequin or follow someone into a store asking, "Where did you buy that dress?" I praise a women for knowing what she likes and what she doesn't. My closet looks like my present and my future. I am blessed my closet tells me she likes me!

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Love that comment Clarisse. You are correct. When I look back at my mistakes they were always purchased when I was with someone else

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Your piece this week spoke straight to me. Over the covid period I baked and I ate and so put on over 2 stones in weight! So much so that I had to go and buy some bigger clothes. I was so disguted with what I had done I bought baggy shapeless tops and a dress.

My wardrobe only contains the clothes I can fit into and shouts "fatty" at me accusingly every time I open the door! I judge myself every time I get dressed in the clothes that don't really speak to me and bring me joy!

I do now own a few pieces that I love and am trying not to save them for best!! I do also have the dress for a family occasion, which is elegant, an outfit for going out with friends who think being over a size 12 is an affront to humanity. They are the "I need to fit in and give them 1 less thing to judge me about" clothes!

You have seen my wardrobe and know me quite well, so I know you understand. I am no longer playing principle boy though 😄 x

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Hello Dawn, I've always loved your honesty and sincerity. You are marvellously, open, kind, thoughtful and intelligent and I hope you know that. Please, please ditch the clothes that don't reflect that sentiment - or at least put them out of sight - and maybe the so called friends too while you're at it. I've seen photo's of you recently on FB and you looked absolutely amazing, stylish and happy. Hold onto those feeling and enjoy the clothes you love that love you back. Great to hear you are not saving them for best either. Positive conversations are a wonderful way to start any day. xxx

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Thank you Sue, that is so kind of you. You are referring to my "mother of the bride", outfit, which I absolutely loved. I was told, by some family members I shouldn't wear magenta as it is too bright, but after speaking to my daughter who told me it was OK, I went for it! Your words of wisdom always accompany me on a shopping trip. X

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Feb 12·edited Feb 12Author

Well I hope I'm a positive voice when I'm sitting in your shopping bag or in the changing room! I want to be your cheerleader xx

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Absolutely, always positive. Xx

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"Your closet is a hive of unspoken conversation." There is something about the word, hive, that is so activating. I never thought of that! And so true. Bees buzz. So do we , when we are living in our Critic. Thanks for this, Sue. It is a beautiful, thought-provoking piece and stimulates us to think deeper about our self-imposed limitations and the wounds we carry with us from events that have no place in our lives now. if we update our wardrobes, we update our thoughts. When I get your posts, I immediately stop everything, make some coffee and read. Such a bright beam of quality in my life. You. Are.

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Thank you so much Ellen. That is praise indeed. When I next write I shall imagine you with your coffee and sunlight pouring in.

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