There is so much to the way you dress it’s like art on a moving canvas. Love the shoes x

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Yes it is. In my career, many women especially thought that getting dressed should be easy and they were always so ashamed that they couldn't do it 'properly'. For many of us, it takes a long time to understand who we are, and how we best send that message to the rest of the world - with confidence in doing so. This is my way.

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Great read - it makes such a difference when you understand how you relate to the clothes you wear. Finding my style way gave me so much more confidence and acceptance of myself.

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And you are very artistic in the way you dress. Makes all the difference when you understand the principles doesn’t it?

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Spectacular, Sue. What a thoughtful, inspiring piece. And I love the red shoes. Amazing.

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Thank you Ellen. Simple outfits need a focal point and these work a treat! I even had comments about them while standing on a very crowded underground station.

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