This piece really resonates with me. I always wanted high heels, but was never allowed. As soon as I got married and left my parents home, I was free to wear sky scraper heels, and I did! Roll on nearly 40 years I can no longer wear them, my feet have spread and after breaking my left foot, and with arthritis, I sadly have to wear flats. 😔

In truth I long to be willowy and be able to pull off a more boho style, but being a larger big busted girl, I look silly in it.

At the moment my style is in flux, I wear baggy tops and dresses to hide my bulk and am constantly hunting for a statement piece that looks fabulous on me! Maybe for that piece I should tap into my inner child and buy something bright and boho, to compensate for the lack of statement heels!

I look forward to your pieces, Sue and always love your insights xx

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I would love you to tap into that inner child Dawn, and let's see what happens. Clothes should be a source of joy and inspiration - I believe - as well as telling the world who we are at this moment in time. One of my yoga teachers often says - "What does it feel like to be me today? " You could amend and say "Who do I want to be today?" or "What do I want to feel like today?'. Mood dressing. There's a lot to be said for it. Go Dawn!

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