Sue. What a fantastic article. Well done!!! You are beautiful with a great smile. Glasses are an accessory for sure and now you inspire all of us to come out of hiding. You are my hero.

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That is such a kind comment Clarisse. I still need them on zoom so I guess I won’t be parting with them entirely in my professional life but I have to say, my wood prefers to be unencumbered. Xx

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Your article literally hit me between my eyes. When I asked myself the question, What am I hiding or better yet How am I hiding?, the answer is behind my hair! My hair is very naturally curly. After radiation my hair got more curly. All these years, 63 on the average, i've used products and flat irons to straighten my hair. My head sweats so whether I exercise or sleep, the result is curly hair. I had to wash my hair everyday to style and straighten. Talk about insanity, doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

Your article revealed my own personal truth to accept myself for who I am and features I am blessed to have. I have found the correct curl products for my hair and I am enjoying the simplicity of it.

Thank you for your insightful article. It has changed my life.

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I am more than thrilled and excited to read this Clarisse. Enjoy your new look and embrace it. So many of us would love to have curly hair and yours looks divine

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I never tended to think of your glasses. It has always been the statement red lipstick I have associated with you Sue x

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That is so gratifying to hear Ruth. I really don’t want my glasses to define me as much as I think they do. The lips, however, are a different story - one which you also share

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Wow! What a stunning photo of you. I have never seen you without your glasses, but you definitely don't need them to look stylish. You look amazing and the photographer is right, your gorgeous eyes and smile are all you need. X

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Dawn you are always such a joy. Thank you so much xx

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This is a fabulous, fabulous photo of you! If there was a missing element when you wear your glasses, it might be that we would miss the "sparkle" in your eyes exuding such joy. Just a thought. Great food for thought, this one.

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This is such a lovely food for thought comment Ellen. Many people have told me that my eyes are my best feature. My aunt used to say they told stories and she could always tell what I was thinking or feeling even when I was small.

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It’s a beautiful photo and you do

Have a great smile it lights up your whole face x

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Thank you. You don’t really know me with glasses so I guess I don’t look that different here. I am being braver about going out and about to social occasions sans specs.

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Sue - you look so beautiful and happy in your own skin. I love it!

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It’s a great photo and you look amazing

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Thank you Julia. I just need to get used to being seen without my trademark.

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