I really enjoyed reading this on a wet afternoon at home. I used to love my body but I still smoked and enjoyed to many late nights out thinking it doesn’t matter. The worst thing about being 65 is where did my waist go. Nothing seems to fit properly and I hate a muffin top ☹️. But recently for my holiday in Rhodes I purchase a bikini first in over 15 years I loved it. Lying by the pool walking down to the beach no cover up pure bliss. As soon as I get home I cover up again. I think it’s because I care to much what other people think. That’s going to stop right now. Safe travels x

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That’s so interesting. I haven’t had a beach holiday for a long time so having my body on display in swimwear hasn’t really come into the equation. If only we could all get that liberated feeling you had this time all the time. Give it a go. I see your body at yoga and just what it is capable of so be proud of it. You are a beautiful woman. Embrace it. You’ll get all the encouragement you need from me.

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Being an image professional doesn’t eliminate the emotions that come with body changes. Over the last six months, my waist and hips have enlarged despite no changes in my daily life, which has been quite upsetting. However, attending a support group for women living with heart disease put things into perspective. Compared to their challenges, mine seem minor, offering a reality check on how okay I actually am, even having to change 1/2 of my wardrobe for a larger size.

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So true Cecilia. I think we can all get wrapped up in our own worlds without thinking about the hardships of others. Saying that, it can still be difficult to accept hormonal changes that shift our perspectives about our own beauty and self worth. That happened to me too. I made sure that the new clothes I purchased have all brought me joy. Hope you can too.

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Spot on and good suggestions. Make the most of everything you can 🫶

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Yes - life and what we can do within it is do precious. Hope you are getting better and more able to get back to your previous levels of activity.

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I'm so enjoying your column 🙏

We recently had a proper holiday & in an attempt to travel light I read loads of post on what to pack etc, but thanks to you teaching me I completely ignored the 'take neutrals' and took lovely colour instead!

Somewhere in time I've come to only care what I feel like in my clothes, as long as my DH thinks I look OK that's fine with me; more radically I'm packing up clothes that don't fit & are out of season to bring out later or pass on, and new to me is not feeling guilty about waste, money spent, not using etc. Life's too short now!

I've my own challenges in life and am so lucky to be able to work on improving my health and physical being and learn how to take care of this body that is my home in my third stage of life & yeah I go swimming in a bikini 😆

Big hugs

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Thank you so much Jill. I so loved receiving your message. How wonderful. I am so happy I have been able to help you in some way. Feeling good in your clothes is such a beneficial way of dressing. I am thrilled you have found some freedom and joy in your life and your wardrobe.

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As its raining today I thought I would clear out my wardrobe. After a recent holiday I realised it wasn't working for me anymore and needed a change. I have just finished and sat down to read my emails. Yours made me smile, I was nodding along to everything you said. I have never really liked my body,but post menopause it has got worse. My tummy and waist have thickened out considerably, so my hourglass figure has disappeared.

As I sit at my desk a photo of my beautiful mum is infront of me, yesterday would have been her birthday. She died 26 years ago after a 9 year fight with cancer at the age of 61. She didn't have a slim toned body and dieted all her life, but her inner beauty shone through. I am not far off that age, but my body despite my big tum boobs and waist is still in working order (mostly), so I'm going to celebrate that and cover up the bits that I don't like, in clothes i enjoy wearing, and let my inner beauty shine through.

Thank you as always Sue, for a thought provoking article x

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Hi Daen, what a lovely reply. To have your mum as your inspiration, inner beauty shining seems like a great way to go. You also have that wonderful quality and if you can enhance it by wearing clothes that you love then I know it will provide that glow for you too. love the word ‘celebrate’ and we should all do it more often.

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Again how wonderful it is to read your post. So timely as I sit and ponder which creepy skin cream for my thighs I will purchase. How uplifting for me personally and all of us to be open to I am ok just as I am at 70+. Keep up the good work, my dear friend. You are so special to us.

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Thank you Clarisse. I think we all believe we’re not enough and yet our friends and family will tell us we are. And you, my lovely friend, absolutely are an inspiration to all of us.

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I am and thank you for your support throughout out. 🫶

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You are most welcome. I want my friend to be able to enjoy life at its best xx

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